共 4 条词语
众叛亲离大家都反对连亲人也背离了。形容处境非常孤立。英be utterly isolated; be opposed by the masses and deserted by one's followers;[查看详情]
人心向背向:归向拥护。背:背离、反对。人民群众的拥护或反对。例入奏极言事变倚伏。人心向背疆场安危邻寇动静。——《宋史魏了翁传》英the direction in which people feel toward this or that regime;[查看详情]
分崩离析四分五裂形容国家、集团等分裂瓦解。例邦分崩离析而不能守也。——《论语季氏》英break up; come apart; fall to pieces;[查看详情]
土崩瓦解如土之崩坠、瓦之破碎。比喻彻底崩溃、不可收拾。例封建帝制不是早就土崩瓦解了吗。英crumble; disintegrate; collapse like a house of cards; fall apart; fall to pieces; go to hell in a hack;[查看详情]