
共 2 条词语

  • 妙手回春

    miào shǒu huí chūn

    妙手回春对医术精良医师的称赞之语。比喻使沉疴转愈有起死回生之术。英effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life; show admirable skill in curing diseases and bringing life to patients; the physician with magic hand acts like a charm;[查看详情]

  • 金针度人

    jīn zhēn dù rén

    金针度人古指采娘七夕祭织女得金针而刺绣越发长进。比喻将高明的技艺、秘诀授与他人。例用笔之活可作金针度人。——鲁迅《集外集拾遗怀旧》英teach others a knack of the trade;[查看详情]