
共 10 条词语

  • 大逆不道

    dà nì bù dào

    大逆不道封建时代称犯上作乱等重大罪行。例大逆不道为天下所不容。英treason and heresy; worst offcnse;[查看详情]

  • 离经叛道

    lí jīng pàn dào

    离经叛道背离正道;违反正统的经典道德规范。例且本官志大言浮离经叛道。——《元曲选外编贬黄州》英depart from the classics and rebel against orthodoxy; be guilty of heterodoxy; be heretical and deviate from the true teachings;[查看详情]

  • 反覆无常

    făn fù wú cháng


  • 见异思迁

    jiàn yì sī qiān

    见异思迁缺乏主见这山望着那山高,遇到不一样的就改变趋向。英change one’s mind the moment one sees something new; fondness of novelty prompts frequent changes; look for a change for sth.better;[查看详情]

  • 饥附饱飏

    jī fù băo yáng


  • 朝秦暮楚

    zhāo qín mù chǔ

    朝秦暮楚时而倾向秦国时而倾向楚国,比喻反复无常。英serve the State of Qin in the morning and the State of Chu in the evening—quick to switch sides;早上在秦国晚上在楚国,比喻行踪不定。英indefinite;[查看详情]

  • 水性杨花

    shuǐ xìng yáng huā


  • 喜新厌旧

    xǐ xīn yàn jiù

    喜新厌旧喜欢新的讨厌旧的,多指爱情或对事物的喜好不专一。例不怕你有喜新厌旧的心肠我自有移星换斗的手段。——清文康《儿女英雄传》英abandon the old for the new; be fickle in affection; love the new and loathe the old;[查看详情]

  • 朝三暮四

    zhāo sān mù sì

    朝三暮四原来比喻用诈术欺骗人。后来用以比喻变化多端捉摸不定。例朝三暮四昨非今是,痴儿不解荣枯事。——元乔吉《山坡羊冬日写怀》英blow hot and cold;[查看详情]

  • 六亲不认

    liù qīn bù rèn

    六亲不认六亲:泛指一切亲戚。六亲不认所有亲戚,一概不认。是说一个人过于冷酷自私只顾自己不顾别人。例我丢了差事去找他他不惟不帮忙反倒六亲不认了。——冯德英《苦菜花》英refuse to have anything to do with all one’s relatives and friends; disdain to recognize o[查看详情]