
共 4 条词语

  • 纳士招贤

    nà shì zhāo xián


  • 选贤任能

    xuăn xián rèn néng

    选贤任能选择任用贤能的人。例选贤任能得其人则有益于国家非其才则贻患于黎庶,此义不可不知也。——《旧唐书食货志上》英appoint good and able men to office; select the wise and capable persons as officials;[查看详情]

  • 纳新

    nà xīn

    纳新吸进新鲜空气。英take in the fresh;用来比喻接收新成员。例纳新对象。英take in new Party mumbers;[查看详情]

  • 吐故纳新

    tǔ gù nà xīn

    吐故纳新废弃旧的吸收新的。英exhalling the old and inhalling the new; get rid of the stale and take in the fresh;人体的呼吸过程谓呼出二氧化碳,吸进新鲜空气。比喻扬弃陈旧的、无用的吸收新鲜的、有用的。英breathe;[查看详情]