
共 7 条词语

  • 暴殄天物

    bào tiăn tiān wù

    暴殄天物任意糟蹋东西。例今商王受无道暴殄天物,害虐烝民。——《书武成》英reckless waste of natural resources;[查看详情]

  • 焚林而猎

    fén lín ér liè


  • 铺张浪费

    pū zhāng làng fèi

    铺张浪费为讲究排场而浪费人力物力。例提倡勤俭节约反对铺张浪费。英extravagance and waste;[查看详情]

  • 浪费

    làng fèi

    浪费不充分利用;不珍惜;不必要地废弃。例浪费金钱。浪费时光。在小事上浪费我们的精力。英waste; lavish; squander spand; ;[查看详情]

  • 大手大脚

    dà shǒu dà jiăo

    大手大脚形容对钱、物的使用不知节制。英extravagant; be wasteful; spend with a free hand;[查看详情]

  • 粗心大意

    cū xīn dà yì

    粗心大意轻率而粗略。比喻遇事欠思虑不严谨。例怨自己太粗心大意了。英carelessness; neligent;[查看详情]

  • 一掷千金

    yī zhì qiān jīn

    一掷千金原指赌博时下赌注极大。后指任意挥霍钱财。英lay a wager of thousand taels of gold at one throw of the dice; gamble at high stake;[查看详情]