
共 4 条词语

  • 凤毛麟角

    fèng máo lín jiăo

    凤毛麟角比喻人或物稀有珍贵。例天下慕向之如凤毛麟角。——明何良俊《四友斋丛说摘抄》英rare and precious things or persons; as precious and rare as phoenix feather and unicorn horns;[查看详情]

  • 硕果仅存

    shuò guǒ jǐn cún

    硕果仅存比喻存留下来的稀少可贵的人或物。英the only remaining of the great; be one of the few still left;[查看详情]

  • 寥寥可数

    liáo liáo kě shǔ


  • 九牛一毛

    jiǔ niú yī máo

    九牛一毛比喻在极大数量中的极小的量。英a single hair out of nine ox hides——a drop in the ocean;[查看详情]