共 5 条词语
两全其美做事照顾到双方成全两个方面使两方都满意。例与他个两全其美出去便出去,还与他肚里生下一个根儿。——《西游记》英eat one's cake and have it; satisfy both sides; satisfy rival claims; to the satisfaction of both parties;[查看详情]
统筹兼顾统一筹划兼顾到各个方面。英unified planning with due consideration for all concerned; overall planning and all-round consideration;[查看详情]
面面俱到方方面面全能顾及到。比喻办事周详或过于泛泛反而抓不住要害。例但是据你刚才所说究不能够面面俱到,总得斟酌一个两全的法子才好。——《官场现形记》英attend to each and every aspect of a matter; be attentive in every way;[查看详情]
一举两得做一件事得到两方面的好处。英shoot two hawks with one arrow; kill two birds with one stone;[查看详情]