
共 3 条近义词

  • 同归于尽

    tóng guī yú jìn

    同归于尽跟对立的人一起灭亡。英all come to an end; both sides will be doomed; end in commonruin; perish together;[查看详情]

  • 玉石俱焚

    yù shí jù fén

    玉石俱焚美玉和石头一齐烧毁了。比喻好和坏的同归于尽。英good people are destroyed with the bad as the jade and stone are burned up together;[查看详情]

  • 鸡飞蛋打

    jī fēi dàn dă

    鸡飞蛋打比喻什么也没得到落个两头都落空。赔了夫人又折兵。多指做事考虑不周造成坏的结果。英all is lost as the hen has flown away and the eggs in the coop are broken; come out emptyhanded;[查看详情]