共 6 条近义词
缘木求鱼爬上树去找鱼。比喻行事的方向、方法不对必将劳而无功。例今以所重加非其人望其毗益万分,兴化致理璧犹缘木求鱼,升山采珠。——《后汉书刘玄传》英Do the impossible as one who climb a tree to catch fish—a fruitless approach;[查看详情]
坐享其成自己不劳动只是坐着受用他人辛劳的收获。英sit idle and enjoy the fruits of other’s work; reap where one has not sown;[查看详情]
墨守成规比喻拘泥于成见而不善于机变。英stick to conventions;[查看详情]
守株缘木“守株待兔”、“缘木求鱼”的略语比喻不根据实际情况而去做根本不可能做到的事。例乃区区循大道以求之不几于守株椽木乎?——马中锡《中山狼传》英abbreviation of two idioms:“wait for gains as one who stands by a tree stump waiting for more hares to come[查看详情]
好逸恶劳贪图安逸不喜劳动。例好逸恶劳者,常人之情偷情苟简者小人之病。——宋陈敷《农书稽功之谊篇第十》英love ease and hate work;[查看详情]
刻舟求剑比喻看问题做事情死板不灵活不知情随势变。英be stubbornly unimaginative as the man who marked the boat to find his lost sword; take measures without regard to changes in circumstances;[查看详情]