
共 7 条近义词

  • 吊唁

    diào yàn

    吊唁祭奠死者并对家属进行慰问。英offer one's condolences; mourn; condole;[查看详情]

  • 追悼

    zhuī dào

    追悼对于死者的追念哀思。英mourn over a person’s death;[查看详情]

  • 奔丧

    bēn sāng

    奔丧从外地赶回去参加或料理亲属的丧事。英hasten home for the funeral of a parent or grandparent;[查看详情]

  • 哀悼

    āi dào

    哀悼悲痛地悼念。例哀悼死者。哀悼受害者。英mourn sb.'s death; bemoan; condole;[查看详情]

  • 凭吊

    píng diào

    凭吊面对遗迹、坟墓等怀念古人或旧事。例巴丘终命处凭吊欲伤情。——《三国演义》英visit and ponder on the past;[查看详情]

  • 缅怀

    miăn huái

    缅怀遥念追思。例缅怀亡友。英cherish the memory of; think of past events;[查看详情]

  • 怀念

    huái niàn

    怀念思念;关心。例怀念远方的友人。她怀念那些贫苦的孩子们。英cherish the memory of; think of;[查看详情]