
共 7 条近义词

  • 牢实

    láo shí

    牢实牢稳坚实。例把箱子钉牢实。英solid; strong; firm;[查看详情]

  • 塌实

    tā shí

    塌实工作或学习实在、不浮躁。英on a firm footing; be steady and sure;心绪安定;安稳。英be free from anxiety; have peace of mind;[查看详情]

  • 过硬

    guò yìng

    过硬经得起严格的考验或试验。例过硬的技术人员和工人。——《我们打了一个大胜仗》英have a perfect mastery of sth.; achieve proficiency in;[查看详情]

  • 坚固

    jiān gù

    坚固牢固不易毁坏。例这座平房很坚固。英firm; steady; hard; solid;[查看详情]

  • 坚实

    jiān shí

    坚实牢固结实。例坚实的根基。英firm; solid; substantial;身体结实有力。英strong;[查看详情]

  • 结实

    jiē shí

    结实植物结果实。英bear fruit;[查看详情]

  • 踏实

    tà shí

    踏实切实;不浮躁。英on a firm footing; be steady and sure;内心安定;安稳。例心里总不踏实。英have peace of mind; be free from anxiety;[查看详情]