
共 3 条近义词

  • 移花接木

    yí huā jiē mù

    移花接木把花木的枝条嫁接到另一种花木上。比喻施展手段暗中更换人或事物。英graft; stealthily substitude one thing for another;[查看详情]

  • 偷天换日

    tōu tiān huàn rì

    偷天换日比喻暗中玩弄手法掩盖事物的真相用以欺骗别人。英play a sly trick by stealing the sky and putting up a sham sun; audacious scheme of cheating people;[查看详情]

  • 偷梁换柱

    tōu liáng huàng zhù

    偷梁换柱意为玩弄手法、暗中改换内容以达到蒙混欺骗的目的。军事上是说与别的军队联合作战时暗中抽换其主力,使作战失利以乘机吞并之。英steal the beams and pillars and replace them rotten timber-perpetrate a fraud;[查看详情]