
共 10 条近义词

  • 同归于尽

    tóng guī yú jìn

    同归于尽跟对立的人一起灭亡。英all come to an end; both sides will be doomed; end in commonruin; perish together;[查看详情]

  • 玉石皆碎

    yù shí jiē suì


  • 玉石俱摧

    yù shí jù cuī


  • 生死与共

    shēng sǐ yǔ gòng

    生死与共无论生和死都在一起形容情谊很深。例几十年来周总理与我父亲生死与共,休戚相关。——《深情忆念周伯伯》英share the same destiny;[查看详情]

  • 休戚与共

    xiū qī yǔ gòng

    休戚与共彼此间的幸福和祸患都共同承受。英share weal and woe; stand together through thick and thin;[查看详情]

  • 两败俱伤

    liăng bài jù shāng

    两败俱伤争斗的双方都受到损失。例倘若大人再要回护他三人将来一定两败俱伤于大人反为无益。——清李宝嘉《官场现形记》英internecine; both parties be weakened by mutual homicide; both being defeated and wounded; both sides suffer; cut one another's throat; neith[查看详情]

  • 一视同仁

    yī shì tóng rén

    一视同仁不加区别;相同对待。英treat equally without discrimination;[查看详情]

  • 兰艾同焚

    lán ài tóng fén

    兰艾同焚兰:香草。艾:臭草。比喻美的与丑的一同毁灭。例兰艾同焚,贤愚所叹。——《晋书孔坦传》英impose the same destiny upon the noble and the mean alike;[查看详情]

  • 患难与共

    huàn nàn yǔ gòng

    患难与共共同担当灾祸和困难。英go through thick and thin together; share each other's hardships;[查看详情]

  • 风雨同舟

    fēng yǔ tóng zhōu

    风雨同舟在狂风暴雨中同船共渡。比喻患难与共同舟共济。英stand together through thick and thin; people in the same boat should help each other in distress;[查看详情]