
共 4 条近义词

  • 痛改前非

    tòng găi qián fēi

    痛改前非极力改正过去的错误。英repent past mistakes; sincerely mend one's ways; determine to turn over a new leaf; reform earnestly one's misdeeds;[查看详情]

  • 悬崖勒马

    xuán yá lè mă

    悬崖勒马行至陡崖将马勒住,不继续前进。比喻面临危险及时醒悟回头。例此书生悬崖勒马可谓大智矣。——清纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》英rein in at the brink of the precipice ——wake up to and escape disaster at the last moment;[查看详情]

  • 负荆请罪

    fù jīng qǐng zuì

    负荆请罪背上荆条请求责罚。表示真诚地认罪赔礼。例我则做小负荆请罪。——《元曲选外编渑池会》英proffer a birch and ask for a flogging; apology for wrong-doing; be contrite and ask for pardon; carry a rod on one's back and ask to be punished; carry firewood a[查看详情]

  • 改恶从善

    găi è cóng shàn
