
共 3 条近义词

  • 遍体鳞伤

    biàn tǐ lín shāng

    遍体鳞伤浑身都是伤痕形容伤势很重。英be a mass of bruises; be covered all over with cuts and bruises;[查看详情]

  • 皮开肉绽

    pí kāi ròu zhàn

    皮开肉绽绽:裂开。皮肉开裂。形容伤势重多指被打伤。例直打的皮开肉绽悔时迟。——《元曲选魔合罗》英the skin is torn and the flesh gapes open;[查看详情]

  • 体无完肤

    tǐ wú wán fū

    体无完肤全身没有一块好皮肤。形容浑身受伤。英have cuts and bruises all over the body; be a mass of bruises;比喻论点被彻底驳倒或文章被大量删改。英be thoroughly refuted; be refuted to the last point;[查看详情]